Elimu Mwangaza Tanzania will promote child protection through training, seminars, workshops, meetings and through Information, Education and Communication materials. We, currently promote child protection through training, meetings, sports and children’s rights clubs in the Moshi District Council.
The organization also supports vulnerable children from poor families to access learning materials such as exercise books and pens. The support to vulnerable girls and boys prevents child abuse, stigma, discrimination, and bullying, and reduces truancy and dropouts.
The organization aims to build skills of duty bearers on child protection and the mechanisms to address child abuse and violence against children.

The organization has identified 5 main thematic areas.
- Child Protection & Safeguarding:
- Child Participation
- Quality Education:
- Research and Documentation:
- Lobbying and Advocacy:
The focus is on investigating the status of the implementation of laws and policies that safeguard children. The organization also looks into entry points for parenting and parenting education and ultimately designs programs on child protection and skilful parenting.
Focuses on promoting child participation through the establishment of children’s rights clubs and working with existing children’s councils. Likewise, the organization focuses on identifying barriers to child participation in schools and families and consequently designs and implements programmes that promote child participation.
Focuses on investigating policies that support and promote quality education. It also focuses on training teachers on child-centred teaching methodologies and improving school infrastructure such as classrooms, toilets and kitchens. Elimu Mwangaza Tanzania is mandated to support schools and children from poor families with school materials such as textbooks, uniforms and exercise books. The main target group for school materials are the children from poor and vulnerable families.
The organization is mandated to investigate existing practices that promote or affect the provision of child protection services, quality education and child participation. Likewise, it focuses on researching and documenting how poverty affects children in families and schools.:
Advocacy activities centre on supporting the organization with information to effectively work with the government. The organization engages and collaborates with the government to identify opportunities and address barriers to child protection, quality education, and child participation through training and awareness raising..